IARU RCC HF FIELD DAY Russian Contest Club

International HF Contest

Contest rules for 2024.
Rules in Russian Rules in English

International HF contest RCC HF FIELD DAY is held as a part of the international contest IARU REGION 1 FIELD DAY twice a year: on the first full weekend in June (CW) and on the first full weekend in September (SSB). This contest provides a wonderful opportunity to experiment and gain experience in such areas as the design and operational deployment of antennas, the use of autonomous power sources, the use of transmitting and computer equipment in the field.
RCC HF FIELD DAY is held and sponsored by the Russian Contest Club (RCC).

Contest periods.
CW: 1st/2nd June 2024 15:00-14:59 UTC.
SSB: 7th/8th September 2024 13:00-12:59 UTC.

Amateur HF bands 160-10m (excluding WARC) in frequency segments in accordance with the IARU Region 1 HF Band Plan.

General requirements for all participants and for all stations.

  • The operation of a FIXED station must be from a single station location where transmitters, receivers, computer equipment, other devices connected to receivers/transmitters (except antennas) are located within a circle of a diameter no greater than 500 m. Antennas must be physically connected by RF transmission lines to the transmitters (amplifiers) and receivers.
  • The operation of a field portable (/P) station must be from a single station location where transmitters, receivers, computer equipment, other devices connected to receivers/transmitters (except antennas), as well as electric power sources, are located within a circle of a diameter no greater than 500 m. Antennas must be physically connected by RF transmission lines to the transmitters (amplifiers) and receivers.
  • All transmitters, receivers, antennas, computer equipment, other devices connected to receivers/transmitters, as well as electric power sources of land/river mobile (/M), maritime mobile (/MM) and aeronautical mobile (/AM) stations must be located on board the corresponding land/river, maritime and aeronautical vehicle. Transmitters, receivers, antennas, computer equipment, other devices connected to receivers/transmitters, as well as electric power sources of pedestrian mobile (/PM) stations, regardless of the identifier used in the callsign (/P, /M or /PM), must be carried exclusively by the operator of such a mobile station (the vehicle in this case is the person himself) and/or carried by a non-motorized vehicle driven by the mechanical efforts of the operator of such a mobile station (and/or carried by horse-drawn, animal-powered or animal-powered pack vehicle controlled by the operator of such a mobile station). There are no restrictions on movement during the contest period for land/river mobile, maritime mobile and aeronautical mobile stations. However, if transmitters, receivers, electric power sources and antennas of a mobile station of any kind are partially or completely located outside (overboard) of the vehicle, then such a station is considered field portable (/P) station. The operation of such a field portable station must be from a single station location and such a station is subject to a restriction on the location of the station equipment in a 500-meter diameter circle.
  • If a land/river, maritime or aeronautical vehicle is permanently moored or stationary (e.g. a museum ship), then the station installed on such a vehicle is considered FIXED.
  • If a callsign and/or an identifier in a callsign changes during the contest (for example, the station first operated from the field with the callsign UA1AAA/P, and then from a stationary (home) position with the callsign UA1AAA, or first as UA1AAA/P, and then as UA1AAA/M), then this is considered as separate participations/entrances in the contest. In this case, separate contest logs should be submitted for each participation/entrance and each participation/entrance should have its own numbering of QSOs in the transmitted exchange serial numbers.

General requirements for field portable and mobile stations.

  • The location of the field portable (/P) station must be at least 100 meters away from the nearest buildings and points of the mains power grid. (This rule does not apply to land/river mobile (/M), maritime mobile (/MM), aeronautical mobile (/AM) and pedestrian mobile (/PM) stations.)
  • The power supply of the station equipment must be provided from batteries, renewable sources of electricity (solar panels, wind generators, hydro generators), gasoline or diesel electric generators. These sources of electricity must be located within of the location of the field portable station (within a circle of a diameter no greater than 500 m) or on board the vehicle and these sources of electricity must not have connections to the mains power grid.
  • No stationary structures (buildings, towers, geodetic signs, etc.) should be used to mount antennas.
  • It is not allowed to use existing or previously installed equipment. The installation of antennas and other equipment of the station must begin no earlier than 24 hours before the start of the contest. (This rule does not apply to land/river mobile (/M), maritime mobile (/MM), aeronautical mobile (/AM) and pedestrian mobile (/PM) stations.)
Stations that do not meet the above requirements should participate in this contest only in the FIXED category.
Field portable, land/river mobile, maritime mobile, aeronautical mobile and pedestrian mobile stations should use a callsign with the appropriate identifier: /P, /M, /MM, /AM, /PM. Without such an identifier, a station should participate in this contest only in the FIXED category.

It is highly desirable that field portable and mobile stations provide the organizers with information about their planned operation before the start of the contest.

Categories and subcategories of participants.
Field portable and mobile stations that meet the above-described "General requirements for field portable and mobile stations" compete in the following categories:
- More than one operator / Field/mobile station (Multi-Op/Portable);
- One operator / Field/mobile station (Single-Op/Portable).

Scoring in these categories is conducted separately among Russian stations, among stations located within the IARU Region 1 (including Russia), and among stations located outside of the IARU Region 1.
The number of station operators of the Multi-Op/Portable category is any.
Only one single operator can operate on a Single-Op/Portable station.

Field portable and mobile stations of the Multi-Op/Portable category operating from the territories and countries of the IARU Region 1 may also submit their contest log for compete under the Restricted class subcategory, if they additionally meet the requirements given in the following table.
Field portable and mobile stations of the Single-Op/Portable category operating from the territories and countries of the IARU Region 1 may also submit their contest log for compete under the Restricted class subcategory or under the QRP subcategory, if they additionally meet the requirements given in the following table.

of field portable and
mobile stations of the
IARU Region 1:

Multi-Op/Portable - Restricted
More than one operator / Field/mobile station - Restricted class.
Output power - no more than 100 watts. Only one single-element antenna (dipole, vertical or loop) for all bands should be used. This antenna should be fed by a single transmission line and may contain traps and/or replaceable parts. For this antenna, no more than two suspension points are allowed, up to 15 meters high at the highest point. The height is determined relative to the level of the ground surface on which the operator's workplace is located. It is not allowed to use additional passive elements (reflectors, directors), as well as phased feeding of antenna elements leading to an increase in the gain.
Single-Op/Portable - Restricted
One operator / Field/mobile station - Restricted class.
Output power - no more than 100 watts. Only one single-element antenna (dipole, vertical or loop) for all bands should be used. This antenna should be fed by a single transmission line and may contain traps and/or replaceable parts. For this antenna, no more than two suspension points are allowed, up to 15 meters high at the highest point. The height is determined relative to the level of the ground surface on which the operator's workplace is located. It is not allowed to use additional passive elements (reflectors, directors), as well as phased feeding of antenna elements leading to an increase in the gain.
Single-Op/Portable - QRP
One operator / Field/mobile station - QRP.
The output power is no more than 5 watts, without restrictions on the type and number of antennas used. It is not necessary to transmit the identifier "/QRP" in the callsign.

Scoring in these subcategories is conducted separately among Russian stations and among stations located within the IARU Region 1 (including Russia). Participants of these subcategories compete both within their own subcategory and within the corresponding higher category.

Stationary stations, regardless of their location, as well as all stations that do not meet the "General requirements for field portable and mobile stations" may compete with each other only in the category:
- Stationary stations (FIXED).
The number of operators in this category is any. The FIXED category does not have any subcategories.

It is allowed to have a single radiated signal at any given time in all categories and subcategories. At the same time, only one transceiver (transmitter) is allowed in all categories and subcategories with one operator (Single-Op), and no more than two transceivers (transmitters) are allowed in all categories and subcategories with more than one operator (Multi-Op) and in the FIXED category. If a station with one operator uses SO2R technology, then such a station should participate in this contest only in the Multi-Op/Portable or in the FIXED categories.

The use of publicly available search technologies for possible QSOs is allowed in all categories and subcategories. But self-spotting or asking to be spotted is not permitted.

Any entrant has the right to take part in this contest outside of the competition and send his/her contest log for this purpose for control (checklog).

RS(T) plus serial number starting from 001.

QSO points.
For stations located within the IARU Region 1:
- QSO with a stationary (FIXED) station located within the IARU Region 1 gives 2 points;
- QSO with a stationary (FIXED) station located outside of the IARU Region 1 gives 3 points;
- QSO with any field portable (/P), land/river mobile (/M), maritime mobile (/MM), aeronautical mobile (/AM), pedestrian mobile (/PM) station gives 5 points.
For stations located outside of the IARU Region 1:
- QSO with a stationary (FIXED) station located outside of the IARU Region 1 gives 2 points;
- QSO with a stationary (FIXED) station located within the IARU Region 1 gives 3 points;
- QSO with any field portable (/P), land/river mobile (/M), maritime mobile (/MM), aeronautical mobile (/AM), pedestrian mobile (/PM) station gives 5 points.

Duplicate QSOs for all entrants are allowed on different bands.
The concept of "Field portable and mobile station" when scoring points for communications applies to any station using a callsign with the identifier "/P" or "/M" or "/MM" or "/AM" or "/PM", regardless of whether this station meets the above-described "General requirements for field portable and mobile stations" or does not.
A station located exactly on the border of the IARU Region 1 (for example, in Antarctica, at the South Pole) is considered to be located in the IARU Region 1.

The IARU Region 1 includes:
- the whole of Europe;
- Africa (except for the islands located east of 60 degrees east longitude and south of the equator, that is, such territories as 3B9, FT#X, FT#Z, VK0/Heard, VQ9 and the African part of 8Q7);
- the entire territory of the former USSR (4J, 4L, EK, ER, ES, EW, EX, EY, EZ, LY, RI1F, UA1/3/4/5/6/7, UA2, UA8/9/0, UK, UN, UT, YL);
- the entire ITU zone 39 (A4, A6, A7, A9, E4, HZ, JY, OD, TA, YI, YK, ZC4, 4X, 5B, 7O, 9K);
- Mongolia (JT);
- a part of Antarctica located between 20 degrees west longitude and 60 degrees east longitude (through the zero Greenwich meridian).

Each DXCC country and each federal district of the Russian Federation give 1 point for the multiplier on each band. One QSO with a Russian station can give 2 points for the multiplier (1 point as a DXCC country plus 1 point as a federal district of the Russian Federation). Non-land stations (/MM, /AM) do not give points for the multiplier.

Final score.
The final score is determined by the product of the sum of points for QSOs by the sum of points for the multiplier.
In case of equality of results, preference is given to the entrant who has a greater ratio of the final result to the claimed (preliminary) result.

Contest logs.
Electronic logs in CABRILLO format are accepted, which can be uploaded via the Web interface or sent by e-mail fd(at)qrz.ru Electronic logs in formats other than CABRILLO are allowed only as checklogs.
QSOs should be given in chronological order, scoring is optional. It is advisable to indicate the participant's personal data and description of the station's equipment/antennas in the header of the contest log. All field portable and mobile stations should submit, together with the contest log, photos of their station area, giving an idea of the equipment, antenna(s) and power source. These photos should be sent by e-mail fd(at)qrz.ru By a judge’s decision, a field portable or mobile station that has not submitted photos can be transferred to another category/subcategory. If, based on the submitted photos and the declared equipment/antennas, there are doubts about the fulfillment by the entrant of the relevant requirements for operating in the declared category/subcategory, then such an entrant can be transferred to another category/subcategory. Field portable and mobile stations should also indicate the location of their position in the contest log (with reference to the nearest locality or indicating geographical coordinates or indicating a QTH locator). From the contest log of the station operating from the territory of Russia, it should be unambiguously clear from which federal district or subject of the Russian Federation the station carried out its operation.
Specify the name of the contest:
- for CW Field Day, which takes place on the first full weekend of June: FD-RCC-CW;
- for SSB Field Day, which takes place on the first full weekend of September: FD-RCC-SSB.
For entrants from Russia, it is advisable to indicate the postal address, as well as the surname, first name and patronymic in Russian (Cyrillic).
For entrants from other countries it is advisable to indicate this information in English (in Latin letters).
Information about the equipment used, antennas and location in the CABRILLO can be specified in the SOAPBOX lines in Russian or English.
Stations that operated from the territory of Russia should specify the four-character RDA district identifier from which the operation was performed in the LOCATION line. If the operation of a field portable station (/P) was carried out from the border of 2 or more RDA districts, or if the operation of a land/river mobile (/M) or pedestrian mobile (/PM) station was carried out from 2 or more RDA districts, then such an entrant should, at his discretion, specify in the LOCATION line only one of the RDA districts from which the operation was carried out. The accrual of points for the multiplier to correspondents of such a station will be determined by in which federal district of Russia the RDA district specified in the LOCATION line is located. Information about operation from other RDA districts, information about movement, etc. can be specified in the SOAPBOX lines.
A personal confirmation of the receipt of the log/photos is sent to each contest log sent by e-mail and to each e-mail with photos. If such confirmation has not been received within 3 workdays, then you can duplicate the log/photos to ru3se(at)yandex.ru
Confirmations in the acceptance of contest logs uploaded via the Web interface are sent by the robot automatically to the e-mail address specified when uploading the log.
The deadline for submitting the contest log is no later than 5 days after the end of the contest (the next Friday after the contest, 23:59 UTC).
Contest logs submitted after the 5-day deadline can only be accepted as checklogs.
Logs submitted after the completion of the judging will not be accepted.
All logs are checked using specialized software and manual (human) judging. The official results are published on the contest websites http://fd.qrz.ru/ and http://fd.contest.ru/ after the completion of judging and no later than 90 days after the end of the contest.
Note. It is understood that the entrants agree to the possibility of using their contest logs in exchange with the national managers of the HF Field Day of other countries (for purposes of judging).

Web interface: http://www.ua9qcq.com/en/submit_log.php?lang=en
E-mail for submitting logs: fd(at)qrz.ru
E-mail for questions and for communication with the director (contest manager) of the RCC HF Field Day: fd(at)qrz.ru or ru3se(at)yandex.ru

By submitting a contest log, an entrant agrees that he/she: 1) has read and understood the rules of the contest and is ready to comply with them, 2) has operated according to all rules and regulations that pertain to amateur radio for the station location, 3) has agreed that his/her UBN file may be made open to the public, and 4) has agreed that all judge’s decisions are official and final. If an entrant does not intend or cannot agree with all of the foregoing, then the entrant should not submit the contest log or the entrant may submit the contest log as a checklog only.

The Russian Contest Club sponsors the following awards for each of the contests (CW and SSB):
- a cup (or other valuable prize) and a diploma for the 1st place among stations that have operated from the territories and countries of the IARU Region 1 in the Multi-Op/Portable category;
- a cup (or other valuable prize) and a diploma for the 1st place among stations that have operated from the territory of the Russian Federation in the Multi-Op/Portable category, if in this category the winner among Russian stations differs from the winner among the stations of the IARU Region 1;
- a cup (or other valuable prize) and a diploma for the 1st place among stations that have operated from the territories and countries of the IARU Region 1 in the Single-Op/Portable category;
- a cup (or other valuable prize) and a diploma for the 1st place among stations that have operated from the territory of the Russian Federation in the Single-Op/Portable category, if in this category the winner among Russian stations differs from the winner among the stations of the IARU Region 1;
- a diploma for the 1st place among stations that have operated from territories and countries located outside of the IARU Region 1 in the Multi-Op/Portable category;
- a diploma for the 1st place among stations that have operated from territories and countries located outside of the IARU Region 1 in the Single-Op/Portable category;
- diplomas for the 1st places in the FIXED category and in each of the subcategories;
- diplomas for the 1st places in Russia and in the federal districts of the Russian Federation in each of the categories and subcategories (for stations from Russia);
- diplomas for the 1st places in DXCC countries in each of the categories and subcategories (for stations outside of Russia);
- electronic certificates will be made available for download for everyone that submits a contest log (except checklog).
At the discretion of the director (contest manager) of the contest, diplomas may be issued for other significant results.
Any organization or individual can sponsor any other awards to the entrants of this contest. Such an organization or individual should inform the director (contest manager) of the RCC HF Field Day about their desire to become such a sponsor by e-mail fd(at)qrz.ru or ru3se(at)yandex.ru
An entrant who is transferred to another category/subcategory by a judge’s decision may be deprived of the right to any awards. In this case, the award is awarded to the next entrant according to the result.
Notes. 1) After the publication of the official results on the website http://fd.qrz.ru/ and/or on the website http://fd.contest.ru/ entrants who have won awards are recommended to provide in e-mail to fd(at)qrz.ru or ru3se(at)yandex.ru the correct postal address for sending these awards. Cups or other valuable prizes are sent to entrants by registered postal delivery. Diplomas are sent to entrants by simple postal item. If a simple postal item with a diploma for some reason did not reach the addressee, then the entrant can request the re-sending of his/her diploma. 2) Diplomas for the 1st places in the DXCC countries and in the federal districts of the Russian Federation are sent to entrants if these entrants, after the publication of official results, inform by e-mail fd(at)qrz.ru or ru3se(at)yandex.ru about his/her desire to get his/her diplomas, or, if in Cabrillo logs of these entrants explicitly indicate the desire to receive a diploma (there is a CERTIFICATE: YES line there).

Disciplinary actions.
Violation of the contest rules, license limitations, behavior contrary to the ethics and rules of operate of amateur radio stations on the air may be a sufficient condition for disqualification of a participant. In case of providing false or incomplete data about his/her station, the entrant may be transferred to another category/subcategory, transferred to the checklog and/or disqualified. Any such judge’s decision is final.


Distribution of the combination "Digit and subsequent letter" in the Russian callsign by the federal districts of the Russian Federation

Northwestern Federal District (Severo-Zapadnyj Federalnyj Okrug)
1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F, 1I, 1K, 1L, 1M, 1N, 1O, 1P, 1Q, 1R, 1S, 1T, 1W, 1X, 1Y, 1Z,
2F, 2K,
8X, 9X

Central Federal District (Centralnyj Federalnyj Okrug)
2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2G, 2H, 2I, 2L, 2M, 2N, 2O, 2P, 2Q, 2R, 2S, 2U, 2V, 2W, 2X, 2Y, 2Z,
3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 3E, 3F, 3G, 3H, 3I, 3K, 3L, 3M, 3N, 3O, 3P, 3Q, 3R, 3S, 3U, 3V, 3W, 3X, 3Y, 3Z,
5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 5E, 5F, 5G, 5H, 5I, 5K, 5L, 5M, 5N, 5O, 5P, 5Q, 5R, 5S, 5U, 5V, 5W, 5X, 5Y, 5Z

Volga Federal District (Privolzhskij Federalnyj Okrug)
4C, 4D, 4F, 4G, 4H, 4I, 4K, 4L, 4M, 4N, 4O, 4P, 4Q, 4R, 4S, 4U, 4W, 4Y, 4Z,
8F, 8G, 8S, 8T, 8W,
9F, 9G, 9S, 9T, 9W

Southern Federal District (Yuzhnyj Federalnyj Okrug)
4A, 4B,
6A, 6B, 6C, 6D, 6I, 6K, 6L, 6M, 6N, 6R, 6U, 6V, 6Y,
7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, 7I, 7K, 7L, 7M, 7N, 7R, 7U, 7V, 7Y

North Caucasian Federal District (Severo-Kavkazskij Federalnyj Okrug)
6E, 6F, 6G, 6H, 6J, 6P, 6Q, 6T, 6W, 6X,
7E, 7F, 7G, 7H, 7J, 7P, 7Q, 7T, 7W, 7X

Ural Federal District (Uralskij Federalnyj Okrug)
8A, 8B, 8C, 8D, 8J, 8K, 8L, 8Q, 8R,
9A, 9B, 9C, 9D, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9Q, 9R

Siberian Federal District (Sibirskij Federalnyj Okrug)
8H, 8I, 8M, 8N, 8O, 8P, 8U, 8V, 8Y, 8Z,
9H, 9I, 9M, 9N, 9O, 9P, 9U, 9V, 9Y, 9Z,
0A, 0B, 0H, 0R, 0S, 0T, 0W, 0Y

Far Eastern Federal District (DalneVostochnyj Federalnyj Okrug)
0C, 0D, 0F, 0I, 0J, 0K, 0L, 0M, 0N, 0O, 0Q, 0U, 0V, 0X, 0Z


Example of filling in the QSO lines for a log in Cabrillo format:

                              -------transmitted------ -------received---------  
**** ***** ** ********** **** ************* *** ****** ************* *** ****** *
QSO: 14013 CW 2011-06-04 1651 EX/R2SA/P     599    001 XX9ZZ/P       599    053 

Examples of filling in the header for a log in Cabrillo format:

For Multi-Op/Portable category:
NAME: Valery Sidorov
ADDRESS: pl. Chizhova 14-1
EMAIL: sidorov@qrz.com

For Multi-Op/Portable-Restricted subcategory:
NAME: Valery Sidorov
ADDRESS: pl. Chizhova 14-1
EMAIL: sidorov@qrz.com
SOAPBOX: TCVR - FT450, 100w
SOAPBOX: ANT - G5RV, 14m up

For Single-Op/Portable category:
NAME: Valery Sidorov
ADDRESS: pl. Chizhova 14-1
EMAIL: sidorov@qrz.com 

For Single-Op/Portable-Restricted subcategory:
NAME: Valery Sidorov
ADDRESS: pl. Chizhova 14-1
EMAIL: sidorov@qrz.com
SOAPBOX: TCVR - FT450, 100w
SOAPBOX: ANT - G5RV, 14m up

For Single-Op/Portable-QRP subcategory:
NAME: Valery Sidorov
ADDRESS: pl. Chizhova 14-1
EMAIL: sidorov@qrz.com

For FIXED category:
NAME: Valery Sidorov
ADDRESS: pl. Chizhova 14-1
EMAIL: sidorov@qrz.com

Example of filling in the header for a checklog:


Summary table of requirements for various categories/subcategories of entrants
MO/p MO/p-Restricted SO/p SO/p-Restricted SO/p-QRP FIXED
Number of operators any any one one one any
Number of transmitters (transceivers) maximum of 2, but only 1 radiated signal maximum of 2, but only 1 radiated signal one one one maximum of 2, but only 1 radiated signal
Maximum output power limited only by the license 100 watts limited only by the license 100 watts 5 watts limited only by the license
Antennas any Only one single-element antenna (dipole, vertical or loop) for all bands should be used. This antenna should be fed by a single transmission line and may contain traps and/or replaceable parts. For this antenna, no more than two suspension points are allowed, up to 15 meters high at the highest point. The height is determined relative to the level of the ground surface on which the operator's workplace is located. It is not allowed to use additional passive elements (reflectors, directors), as well as phased feeding of antenna elements leading to an increase in the gain. any Only one single-element antenna (dipole, vertical or loop) for all bands should be used. This antenna should be fed by a single transmission line and may contain traps and/or replaceable parts. For this antenna, no more than two suspension points are allowed, up to 15 meters high at the highest point. The height is determined relative to the level of the ground surface on which the operator's workplace is located. It is not allowed to use additional passive elements (reflectors, directors), as well as phased feeding of antenna elements leading to an increase in the gain. any any
Number of antennas any one any one any any
Callsign with identifier "/p" or "/m" or "/mm" or "/am" or "/pm" with identifier "/p" or "/m" or "/mm" or "/am" or "/pm" with identifier "/p" or "/m" or "/mm" or "/am" or "/pm" with identifier "/p" or "/m" or "/mm" or "/am" or "/pm" with identifier "/p" or "/m" or "/mm" or "/am" or "/pm" any
QTH any IARU Region 1 any IARU Region 1 IARU Region 1 any


2002 CW SSB 2002 CW SSB
2003 CW SSB 2003 CW SSB
2004 CW SSB 2004 CW SSB
2005 CW SSB 2005 CW SSB
2006 CW SSB 2006 CW SSB
2007 CW SSB 2007 CW SSB
2008 CW SSB 2008 CW SSB
2009 CW SSB 2009 CW SSB
2010 CW SSB 2010 CW SSB
2011 CW SSB 2011 CW SSB
2012 CW SSB 2012 CW SSB
2013 CW SSB 2013 CW SSB
2014 CW SSB 2014 CW SSB
2015 CW SSB 2015 CW SSB
2016 CW SSB 2016 CW SSB
2017 CW SSB 2017 CW SSB
2018 CW SSB 2018 CW SSB
2019 CW SSB 2019 CW SSB
2020 CW SSB 2020 CW SSB
2021 CW SSB 2021 CW SSB
2022 CW SSB 2022 CW SSB
2023 CW SSB 2023 CW SSB
2024 CW SSB 2024 CW SSB
Field Day beyond the Arctic Circle (in Russian language)

Updated: DECEMBER 1, 2024
73, Valery, RN2B